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Flow through porous medium

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Old   August 30, 2006, 13:42
Default Flow through porous medium
Kiran AS
Posts: n/a
I am new to CFD and was determining if Fluent could model the following -

Moisture inside a porous medium vaporizes due to application of heat and further travels in the z direction. From my initial search I found that the user defined functions in Fluent can be used to model the porous medium. Is there a better way than this or a better software package specifically for porous medium.

Appreciate your help.


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Old   August 31, 2006, 05:29
Default Re: Flow through porous medium
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I didnt understand what you are really asking for? Do you wnant to quanity how much the amount of moisture is vaporizes or to quanity the quality (pressre drop) of porous media.

I got a PhD in Flow and heat transfer in porous medium. As far as my concern no software can tell the vaporiziation information. You have to go for experiments.

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Old   August 31, 2006, 09:49
Default Re: Flow through porous medium
Kiran AS
Posts: n/a
thanks for the reply. I am interested in the pressure drop, temperature distribution and the velocity profile across the media.

I talked about the vaporization, as that would affect the temperature distribution. I was not sure which is the best CFD package for this. Appreciate your help again.

thanks, Kiran.

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Old   September 1, 2006, 02:17
Default Re: Flow through porous medium
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Predication of pressure drop across porous media is very simple if you know the permeability and porosity of porous media by using darcy model. If suppose you working in turblence regime â€" HDD Model (Hazen-Dupit Darcy Model) is used to calculate the pressure drop. You can get this from any porous media textbook - M Kavinany -Principle of Heart Transfer in Porous media â€" 1995 Springer Publis…

In order to simulate this in FLUENT â€" you have to give viscous co-efficient and Drag Co-efficient of the corresponding porous media. But as such now it is very difficult to get a drag co-efficient for PM unless you have the experimental data. But if you are working in laminar regime you can neglect Drag co-efficient, because there viscous term will be dominating more.

Regarding Velocity Profile in PM â€" Normally in most of the isotropic porous media has the tendency to a uniform velocity profile across the cross-section. So you wont get much information by looking at the velocity profile inside PM in the downstream side. But obviously you get more information in terms of looking temperature profile. Hope you understand this. Let me know if anything more.

Good Luck

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Old   April 23, 2011, 23:43
Default heat and mass transfer through porous media
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Pezhman is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Wilson
I didnt understand what you are really asking for? Do you wnant to quanity how much the amount of moisture is vaporizes or to quanity the quality (pressre drop) of porous media.

I got a PhD in Flow and heat transfer in porous medium. As far as my concern no software can tell the vaporiziation information. You have to go for experiments.

Dear Wilson
I am doing research on heat and mass transfer across porous media and I hope to develop a simulation by Ansys Fluent 13. There is a porous membrane (paper filter) in the middle of a pipe with a given thickness. The air and moisture pass through the filter and heat and mass transfer occur to the porous media. I am interested in the amount of heat and moisture absorbed by paper. As you are specialized in porous media, could you help me pls? Any help much appreciated.
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Old   April 25, 2011, 03:28
Default porosity model validation papers
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Originally Posted by Wilson

Predication of pressure drop across porous media is very simple if you know the permeability and porosity of porous media by using darcy model. If suppose you working in turblence regime â€" HDD Model (Hazen-Dupit Darcy Model) is used to calculate the pressure drop. You can get this from any porous media textbook - M Kavinany -Principle of Heart Transfer in Porous media â€" 1995 Springer Publis…

In order to simulate this in FLUENT â€" you have to give viscous co-efficient and Drag Co-efficient of the corresponding porous media. But as such now it is very difficult to get a drag co-efficient for PM unless you have the experimental data. But if you are working in laminar regime you can neglect Drag co-efficient, because there viscous term will be dominating more.

Regarding Velocity Profile in PM â€" Normally in most of the isotropic porous media has the tendency to a uniform velocity profile across the cross-section. So you wont get much information by looking at the velocity profile inside PM in the downstream side. But obviously you get more information in terms of looking temperature profile. Hope you understand this. Let me know if anything more.

Good Luck

Dear Wilson,

I am searching validation case for porosity model, any experimental or computaional paper did u have, then pls let me know...
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Old   September 16, 2011, 08:38
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riccia is on a distinguished road
I am also having problems with my velocity profile. I would appreciate it if anyone could tell me if you are going throuhg this thread.

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