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Error to re-open fluent case file

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Old   April 27, 2006, 09:42
Default Error to re-open fluent case file
Posts: n/a
Hi Fluent user, I have my case and data file iterated until convergence is reached then I save them well using write 'case and data' in GUI. Sooner after that I couldn't re-open the file and it give an error message as shown below. For your information the grid innitially 'fail' but I have fixed them using TUI (modify-zones/repair-face-handedness) before solving the problem. I suppose someone migh face the similar problem before, so I'm looking forward for your suggestion about this issue. Thanks in advance.

: Reading "C:\Documents and Settings\Jolius\rke2.cas"...

39767 tetrahedral cells, zone 2, binary. 118120 hexahedral cells, zone 3, binary.

53700 hexahedral cells, zone 4, binary.

4 mixed wall faces, zone 33, binary.

15614 mixed interior faces, zone 32, binary.

18992 mixed interior faces, zone 29, binary. 151208 quadrilateral interior faces, zone 27, binary. 340818 quadrilateral interior faces, zone 26, binary.

420 triangular interior faces, zone 25, binary.

516 triangular wall faces, zone 24, binary.

864 quadrilateral wall faces, zone 23, binary.

1075 quadrilateral periodic faces, zone 1, binary.

475 quadrilateral periodic faces, zone 6, binary.

290 triangular periodic faces, zone 8, binary.

3328 quadrilateral wall faces, zone 9, binary.

476 triangular velocity-inlet faces, zone 10, binary.

3117 quadrilateral interior faces, zone 11, binary.

2111 quadrilateral interior faces, zone 12, binary.

4152 triangular interface faces, zone 13, binary.

2024 quadrilateral interface faces, zone 14, binary.

7372 quadrilateral wall faces, zone 15, binary.

2024 quadrilateral wall faces, zone 16, binary.

4152 quadrilateral wall faces, zone 17, binary.

3608 quadrilateral interface faces, zone 18, binary.

7584 quadrilateral interface faces, zone 19, binary.

2356 quadrilateral symmetry faces, zone 20, binary.

76252 triangular interior faces, zone 22, binary.

1075 quadrilateral shadow faces, zone 21, binary.

475 quadrilateral shadow faces, zone 5, binary.

290 triangular shadow faces, zone 7, binary.

4 interface face parents, binary.

15614 interface face parents, binary.

18992 interface face parents, binary.

1075 shadow face pairs, binary.

475 shadow face pairs, binary.

290 shadow face pairs, binary. 198396 nodes, binary. 198396 node flags, binary.


grid, Cell Centroid is xc 0.014587 yc 0.000032 zc 0.002573WARNING: no face with given nodes. Thread 3, cell 45412 Error: Build_Grid: grid error.

Clearing partially read grid.

Error: Null Domain Pointer

Error Object: ()

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