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Fusing mesh faces, error I've not seen before....

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Old   March 28, 2006, 11:13
Default Fusing mesh faces, error I've not seen before....
Posts: n/a
Hi -

I'm attempting to fuse a number of interfaces together and getting an error I've never seen before.

Here's the story, I'm merging 107 seperate 3d meshes together using tmerge (meshes generated in Gambit, hex mesh, fairly fine refinement). The mesh sections are not identical (ie the left interface of section #4 will be fused to the right interface of #3, the interfaces will fuse into an interior boundary where they meet, the remaining faces on the boundaries are manually set in the boundary conditions menu to 'walls', which are then merged to the rest of the walls.)

I've done this before on smaller sections (say up to 50 sections) and never had an issue. But now, when I fuse certain interfaces something is going wrong. The fusing works, I am able to merge the boundaries, I can even initialize and obtain a solution... but I cannot open saved data. I ran a grid check to find this error

* * Checking number of nodes per cell. Cell on zone 844 has a face 2268 (zone 712) with nodes not referenced by the cell Cell on zone 844 has a face 2848 (zone 716) with nodes not referenced by the cell Cell on zone 844 has a face 104 (zone 713) with nodes not referenced by the cell Cell on zone 844 has a face 104 (zone 713) with nodes not referenced by the cell Cell on zone 844 has a face 2278 (zone 712) with nodes not referenced by the cell * * And of course the grid check fails.

I've isolated the occurance of this to the fusing operation, but like I said before, this is confusing me because I've been able to do this before without problem.

Has anyone seen this before? Any insight?

Thanks a bunch - Dustin
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