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compiling my UDF

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Old   February 14, 2006, 01:53
Default Re: compiling my UDF
Posts: n/a ----------- Error: open_udf_library: The system cannot find the path specified Print-friendly

When trying to load a compiled UDF while running Fluent in Network Parallel you receive the error: Error: open_udf_library: The system cannot find the path specified

This error is because the other computer(s) on the cluster cannot "see" the udf through the network. Read and follow the instructions below. These changes have to take place on the computer that the compiled UDF, case and data file reside.


Loading a Compiled UDF When Running Fluent Network Parallel Verify that the FLUENT.INC Environment Variables have been defined. Select the Start Menu, Programs, Fluent Inc Products, Fluent 6.1.xx, Set Environment. Choose YES to Modify. Edit the environment variable values so they don't have a local installation path, for example, C: \Fluent.Inc as all computers you are using to run FLUENT in network parallel must have access to the FLUENT.INC variables. Click on Start, Settings, Control Panel, System. Choose the Advanced Tab, choose Environment Variables. Edit the FLUENT_INC variable value using the network path format \\ followed by the computer name where FLUENT is installed. Edit the Path variable value using the network path format \\ followed by the computer name where FLUENT is installed.

After Edits Note: If you have compiled the UDF while running Fluent Network Parallel you MUST share the directory where the UDF is located so that all computers on the cluster can see this directory.

Share the directory that the case, data, and compiled UDF reside Right-click on the directory and choose Sharing from the menu. Click "Share this folder" Click OK. Note: When the directory is shared you will notice a "hand" under the directory. If you don't see the "Sharing" option contact your System Administrator. The share name, by default, will be the name of the folder/directory. The share name can be changed.

Open up a Command Prompt and browse to the directory where you have your case, data and source file. (The directory cannot contain spaces in the name, for example, C:\ Documents and Settings) Launch FLUENT. In the FLUENT window select Define, User Defined, Functions, Compiled. Choose the Add button to add your source file. Choose the Build button (as long as you are working in the directory that contains the source file you do not need to put a path to the directory in the Library Name box)

After the UDF has been successfully built in the Library Name panel it is necessary to type in the network path to the compiled UDF so that the computer nodes that you are spawning to can "see" the shared directory. Type in the name of the computer where the UDF resides using the \\ format. Type in the name of the shared directory where the UDF resides. In the example below, the shared directory name is "working". Type: libudf. Click Load.

There are many steps that must be taken in order to successfully compile and load UDF's while running FLUENT in Network Parallel.

Please see the document Compiling and Loading User Defined Functions (UDF's) running FLUENT Parallel for specific instructions.

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Old   February 14, 2006, 10:58
Default Re: compiling my UDF
Posts: n/a
Thank you very much! mAx.

I think this is the problem and I will follow the instructions to it.

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Old   February 14, 2006, 11:19
Default Re: compiling my UDF *NM*
Posts: n/a
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