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Difference between rake and line in line/rake tool

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Old   December 22, 2005, 10:26
Default Difference between rake and line in line/rake tool
Posts: n/a

i am new user iam confused what does rake tool do . i know about line tool a little. pls help.

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Old   December 22, 2005, 10:38
Default Re: Difference between rake and line in line/rake
Posts: n/a
A rake tool allows you to release pathlines from it. For example, if you created a rake with ten points, then you could release ten path lines in your post processing. These path lines will follow the flow, making it easier to visualize the flow field.

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Old   December 22, 2005, 17:15
Default Re: Difference between rake and line in line/rake
Posts: n/a
The difference between a line and a rake is how the vertices along that line are created. For a line, a vertice will be created along the line whenever that line intersects a face or an edge. For a rake, you enter how many vertices you want along the rake and it will create vertices evenly spaced along the edge.

The downfall with a line is that you can have several vertices grouped in a small section. Pathlines are released from each vertex, so this could cause a messy image. For a rake, it's more interpolation, so that can create more error depending on your mesh size and the gradients in the region of the rake. It just depends on what you're planning on doing with the line/rake after you've created it.

Hope this helps, and good luck, Jason
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Old   December 10, 2009, 07:06
Default rake or line
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Join Date: Jul 2009
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Agnieszka is on a distinguished road
I need to generate some line of points in stirred tank geometry (to dimenssionless radius of tank). I have a hugh problem with generating points in Fluent 6.3, I try to do this manually in surface - points, but is time-consuming. Later, I used rake to define some groups of points, but vaules of (for example) dissipation energy rate are diffrent, they differ from this manually generating.
Could anyone explain me diffrence and relationship between this option?
Maybe line is better?

And one more thing, connected with cartessian coordinates in Fluent, I'm not sure which procedure of reading data for cylindrical cordinates is better.

I will be grateful for answer.
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