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fluent -g does not write and print monitors

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Old   December 1, 2005, 09:16
Default fluent -g does not write and print monitors
Volker Pawlik
Posts: n/a
Starting fluent6 with fluent 3d -g prevents fluent from writing monitor files. Does s.o. know a remedy?
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Old   December 1, 2005, 11:32
Default Re: fluent -g does not write and print monitors
Vijaykumar Sathyamurthi
Posts: n/a
Dear Volker,

Try removing the -g command, just use fluent 3d. If you are submitting the job file for batch processing use the -gu option. -g implies no graphics. Vijay.
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Old   December 2, 2005, 05:29
Default Re: fluent -g does not write and print monitors
Volker Pawlik
Posts: n/a
Dear Vijaykumar,

unfortunately it's the same with -gu. It seems that Fluent does not calculate the monitors. With -driver null it is possible to create hardcopies during the run. But the hc just shows an empty image!!!

Maybe it is due to my OS: SLES 9 combined with 64 opteron? The fluent_arch is lnamd64.


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Old   December 4, 2005, 09:13
Default Re: fluent -g does not write and print monitors
Posts: n/a
The option -g is only necessary when you want to work in background. When you use the -g option, you must import (fluent 2ddp -g < back.log > output, or samething like it) the log file which contain the list of command that fluent must execute and export the output that fluent give when you execute a command.
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Old   December 5, 2005, 03:24
Default Re: fluent -g does not write and print monitors
Volker Pawlik
Posts: n/a
Dear Vijaykumar,

unfortunately it's the same with -gu. It seems that Fluent does not calculate the monitors. With -driver null it is possible to create hardcopies during the run. But the hc just shows an empty image!!!

Maybe it is due to my OS: SLES 9 combined with 64 opteron? The fluent_arch is lnamd64.


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Old   December 5, 2005, 04:23
Default Re: fluent -g does not write and print monitors
Volker Pawlik
Posts: n/a
Yes, that's true, and I was using fluent in batch modus with or without the "at" command (e.g at -f at.batch 20:00, with at.batch containing the fluent execute commmands like fluent 3d -g -pnet -t4 -i run.jou ) since years.

What now happens is that with the -g option the surface-monitors (e.g. integral of shear-stress at a specific wall, temperature at outlet, total-pressure at inlet etc. etc.) are not written, plotted and printed.

Not written means, that I get no monitor.out files which help me to assess convergence.

Not printed means, that the monitor-values are not displayed in the fluent output-window following the residuals output.

Not plotted means, that I get no graphics output. This is only thing I was expecting, since -g means without any graphics included the GUI.

The question is whether this behaviour is system depending ?

Meanwhile I have gotten the hint from fluent, that the problem should not occur with the csh instead of bash. I will try it.

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Old   December 7, 2005, 07:08
Default Re: fluent -g does not write and print monitors
Volker Pawlik
Posts: n/a
Yes, that's true, and I was using fluent in batch modus with or without the "at" command (e.g at -f at.batch 20:00, with at.batch containing the fluent execute commmands like fluent 3d -g -pnet -t4 -i run.jou ) since years.

What now happens is that with the -g option the surface-monitors (e.g. integral of shear-stress at a specific wall, temperature at outlet, total-pressure at inlet etc. etc.) are not written, plotted and printed.

Not written means, that I get no monitor.out files which help me to assess convergence.

Not printed means, that the monitor-values are not displayed in the fluent output-window following the residuals output.

Not plotted means, that I get no graphics output. This is only thing I was expecting, since -g means without any graphics included the GUI.

The question is whether this behaviour is system depending ?

Meanwhile I have gotten the hint from fluent, that the problem should not occur with the csh instead of bash. I will try it.

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Old   December 7, 2005, 07:19
Default Re: fluent -g does not write and print monitors
Volker Pawlik
Posts: n/a
fluent -g with monitors and interactive works with bash and csh.

fluent -g -irun.jou does not (i.e. no monitors are written)

fluent -g < run.jou works.

fluent -g < run.jou > batch.out from the command line works but not executed by a file !!,

i.e. fluent -g < run.jou > batch.out is a line of a batch-file e.g. named "at.batch" and at.batch is executed from the command line having changed it to be executable by chmod 777)

To make it working with ">" one should only include the "fluent -g < run.log" command into the batch-file only and execute it from the comannd line the following way: (#> shall be the prompt))

#> at.batch > batch.out

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