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VOF-compression of air with rising water

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Old   November 26, 2005, 10:00
Default VOF-compression of air with rising water
Posts: n/a

I am trying to model(with fluent 6.0) compression of air with rising water in a cylindiric tube(one other side is closed) which is connected to a tank that is filled with water at that time. As water enters the tank(open to the atmosphere), the pressure of air in the tube increases with rising of water in the tube. I have searched the literature but all the documents I have found that about free surce modeling with VOF. Does anyone help me about finding sources which maybe related to this subject.

Note:You may think that the air pressure in the closed cylindiric tube is equal to the height of water in the tank. Basicly, a level measurement operation. I want to analyze both transiet and steady state conditions.

Thanks for your help.

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