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exceed for gambit 2.2

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Old   July 25, 2005, 07:40
Default exceed for gambit 2.2
Posts: n/a
I am trying to run gambit 2.2 but this exceed is really pain. Anyone knows where to find appropriate exceed for gambit2.2 ?

Also is the any other way of preparing mesg files for fluent without using gambit. It really drives me crazy.

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Old   July 25, 2005, 08:39
Default Re: exceed for gambit 2.2
Mehdi Ghoddosy
Posts: n/a
Dear Steve:

Exactly what is your problem with Gambit? You can download latest verion of exceed from fluent site. Fluent has licensed the program for single users. However, you can use ANSYS and GRIDGEN to prepare mesh file. Fluent can import from both and a lot other programs.

Best Regards

Mehdi Ghoddosy
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Old   July 26, 2005, 02:26
Default Re: exceed for gambit 2.2
Posts: n/a
I installed gambit 2.2 on XP. First it said exceed is not installed. I installed exceed and now it says OpenGL_device_driver not suported. My graphic card can support OpenGl and I don't know why this error apears. I though may be I need higher version of exceed.

Anyway I have got a lot of trouble getting this gambit to work and I think it is better for me to use ansys to generate mesh and import in fluent. Some people say fluent is better in simulating two phase flow. I need to simulate a flash tank for heat recovery purpose. There is steam and slurry in equilibrium inside the tank and seems fluent can do the job. If it was not because of this two phase flow simulaton I would never even talk about fluent with this sort of nasty problems like gambit for simulation. Stupid software is looking for X server instead of using XP graphic capabilities.

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Old   July 26, 2005, 03:10
Default Re: exceed for gambit 2.2
Mehdi Ghoddosy
Posts: n/a
Dear Steve:

You are right. Gambit can not use openGL. Also, in needs exceed for running under windows operating system. All of these are because Gambit can only run under DOS opeating system, and exceed is needed for enabling gambit to run in windows environment. I don't know why, but FLUENT have not upgrated GAMBIT to run in windows environment; Althogh it is not hard to do this( Gambit is coded with C++). So, GAMBIT does not look nice and easy to use. But, please do not judge about programs just on the environment and shape. Gambit uses advanced mesh generating algorithms like ANSYS and I think it is sufficient for a CFD researcher to generate meshes.However, it is just my idea.

Best Regards

Mehdi Ghoddosy
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Old   July 26, 2005, 10:09
Default Re: exceed for gambit 2.2
Posts: n/a
Steve and Mehdi,

I have a question and I hope any of you guys can answer it. We have just upgraded from Windows 2000 to Windows XP and apparently Gambit 2.2 is producing errors. We are using Exceed version 7.1.1 and are getting the following error:

Cannot open connect stream. TRANS(SocketINETGetAddr): tnamebysocket() failed TRANS(SocketINETConnect): TRANS(SocketINETGetAddr) () failed TRANS(Open): transport open failed for tcp/Computer_name:0 Unable to open display

Any suggestions on how we can get round this problem.

We are assuming that Exceed 9.0 might sort out the problem in XP, however, we will find out when we try. For the time being does any one of you can suggest a solution to it?

Many thanks for your help. Miqdad

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