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VOF - export coordinate values

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Old   July 11, 2005, 07:01
Default VOF - export coordinate values
Posts: n/a
I am using unsteady VOF model to calculate a free surface flow (2 phases and 2-D). The contours of the two phases at different time can be obtained. I am wondering whether I can obtain the coordinate values of the intersection points of a interface and a cell face when the Geometric Reconstruction Scheme is used? Thanks in advance.
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Old   July 12, 2005, 16:50
Default Re: VOF - export coordinate values
Posts: n/a
What interface boundary condition are you using? Could you please explain how did you define the two phases in Fluent? As I see if you take VOF model, it takes whole volume as the mixture of the two phases. Actually I am also working on two phase(air and water). But I could not give the two phases separately. In my problem I need to define one area full with air and another area full with water. Sorry I could not answer your query. Thanks a lot.

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Old   July 13, 2005, 06:08
Default Re: VOF - export coordinate values
Posts: n/a
I agree with your comments - whole volume is treated as the mixture of the two phases if VOF model is used in FLUENT. It seems difficult to separate the interface of the two-phase.

However, when the Geometric Reconstruction Scheme is used (FLUENT user's guide 6.2, Figure 24.2.1),it seems the location of the interface should be calculated and then the properties of the mixture the cell can be calculated.Is it right?

In my problem, a separate phase i.e. droplets are injected into the area and may stick on the interphase. Therefore, to determine the droplet-interface contact,I want to determine the location of the interface.

Anyway, thanks for your kindly response. Could someone provide any suggestions one how to determine particle-interface(unregular and not fixed) contact, i really appreciate your help.

Best regards
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