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UDF for heat flux

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Old   June 9, 2005, 01:58
Default UDF for heat flux
Kyung Han
Posts: n/a
Hi, I'm writing UDF for heat flux. I am a beginner in UDF and having problem what term how to deal with basic variable and function. Allan helped me to find that C_YI is the term for species and I still need to know what term to use for temperature. In my case,

heat_flux = function of temperature and species

Here is my code;

#include "udf.h" real c,t cell, thread, species; DEFINE_PROFILE(heat_flux, t,i) {

c = C_YI(cell, thread, species);

t = ;

real qid = 1*c + 2*t


//t should be one relating the temperature and I have no idea which is the one and I don't know how to define those cell, thread, species. Please help me out.

Best regards,

Kyung Han
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