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Command Line vs. GUI Menus

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Old   June 8, 2005, 17:05
Default Command Line vs. GUI Menus
Posts: n/a
I have a most intriguing experience to relate. I have a simple flat plate model that includes a UDF for two additional UDS's, four UDM's, and an Adjust function. After reading in the mesh and compiling the UDF, I activate the user defined scalars, UDM's and adjust function. I then wish to activate source terms in my "fluid" boundaries. When I activate the 2 UDS's using the GUI menu, I have no problem activating source terms in my boundary conditions using either the GUI or the command prompt. However, when I activate the 2 UDS's using command lines at the command prompt, I get the following error when trying to incorporate source terms in the boundary conditions.

Error: RP_Get_List_Ref: invalid list Error Object: ()

I get this error whether I am activating source terms in my boundary conditions using either the GUI or the command prompt. I've played around with this for a while and the problem seems to be contained to activating my UDS via the command prompt (and not the UDM's or Adjust function). I'm 99% confident I'm activating my UDS via the command prompt, for everything checks out in the GUI afterwards. Any ideas what may be causing this issue or has anyone encountered a similar problem?

regards DAVID
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