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GAMBIT grid generation

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Old   February 11, 2005, 05:35
Default GAMBIT grid generation
Posts: n/a
Hi friends,

In GAMBIT, Whenever any complex geometry is taken into account, it is really time consuming to break the single model and generate grid individually in each and every broken up model.

Particularly this case happens when a complex casting model or automobile omponenent is taken into consideration.

Mostly this type of mesh generations are done in PRO-E or CATIA and imported into Gambit as a STEP file or ACIS file.

IS it possible to generate mesh in GAMBIT at one single "GO".

I have tried giving mesh sizes upto 0.0001. But iam yet to be successsfull in that.

Is there any mathematical calculation to deicde the size of the cell.

Can anyone help my in giiving idea for this? because it consumes lot of time to create mesh in a complex geometry in GAMBIT.


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Old   February 11, 2005, 10:52
Default Re: GAMBIT grid generation
Posts: n/a
depends what kind of grid ur looking for! If you have no restriction a tet grid should go thru for most geometries
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Old   February 12, 2005, 01:11
Default Re: GAMBIT grid generation
Posts: n/a

I go for tetra grid for complex 3D geometries. Thats why may be Iam facing the problem.

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Old   February 12, 2005, 11:26
Default Re: GAMBIT grid generation
Posts: n/a
There isn't any way of just importing and saying "go" in Gambit. I've heard that some other pre-processors are able to deal with this in a more automated fashion, but I don't have any experience with them (like Gridgen, etc...). If you have to use Gambit (like me... company won't spring for a separate pre-processor, so instead they're spending tons of money to have me waste time on meshing... go figure) then I suggest learning the Clean up tools (which started with Gambit 2.1). These sometimes help, but its still a pretty manual process.

Goodluck, Jason
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Old   February 12, 2005, 14:28
Default Re: GAMBIT grid generation
Posts: n/a
yes, jason's right. But, I have worked with a really complex geometry and if a tet still works if u fairly divide the geometry and use some cleaning features with gambit. But, incase you want to use anything other than a tet, u will be asking for much more manual time getting the geometry to be divided thoroughly enough and without being sure that the time would actually be worth it at the end. happy working! -samir
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