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how to display values of each phase in tecplot?

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Old   October 15, 2004, 06:26
Default how to display values of each phase in tecplot?
Posts: n/a
Hi,everyone: This is about a postprocessing of twophase flow. When the case and date of fluent are imported in tecplot,how to display values such as velocities, volume fraction of each phase? I only found one group of values. And sometimes, the values are of the primary phase, sometimes they are of the dispersed phase. I don't know how to control and how to seclect. thanks for every suggestion
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Old   October 15, 2004, 10:21
Default Re: how to display values of each phase in tecplot
Posts: n/a
You will have to do what I do and create that surface you want to display values of and then load that as a data file into your already loaded case and data. Tecplot only has so many variables. Cause within Fluent you have all the equations necessary to plot your contours, but in Tecplot all those equations are not available. You could also use the equation editor and create a equation to view the variable you want. I know, cause there are some varaibles that I would like to plot by only loading case and data into Tecplot, but like I said what I do is create a surface in Fluent and then export the surface with the varaible I want to plot in Tecplot. Beware, Fluent data is saved in SI and you will have to use the equation editor to convert your variable to British units if you are using those.
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Old   October 15, 2004, 11:10
Default Re: how to display values of each phase in tecplot
Posts: n/a
Dear Tang, I have done as you said. First I creat a surface in fluent.Then I export some values of the sruface as tecplot file and named as *.plt. But when I load the file in tecplot, it gives me the message as following. Err:Bad value Error occured on line 13077 near position marked with @below: 0.00000e+00 0.0000e+00 -1.#@IND0e+001.#@IND0e+001.#@IND0e+00

Thank you very much!
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Old   October 19, 2004, 11:16
Default Re: how to display values of each phase in tecplot
Posts: n/a
Do not name it as .plt. Just save it with the name you want. Now go into Tecplot and load your Fluent case and data. Once that is done go to file tab and clickload data file(s). This is where you load your tecplot file you created in Fluent. It will say that the surfaces you are loading don't have the varaible available in the already loaded case and data file. Just hit ok and then click on the add tab. This will add the variables to your case and data. You will have to use these newly loaded varaible for the surfaces you just loaded. For instance, if you want the x velocity on a surface. You will see 2 x velocities in your varaibles. You will select the 2nd one to correspond to the surface you just loaded. The first one corresponds to the fluent case and data. I hope this is understandable.
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Old   October 30, 2004, 05:01
Default Re: how to display values of each phase in tecplot
Posts: n/a
thank you very much. I have done as you said.
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