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journal files

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Old   August 11, 2004, 19:53
Default journal files
Chetan Kadakia
Posts: n/a
I find myself running files of the same set up over and over (geometry and a mass flow change). I'd like to create a set of journal files that I can read into Fluent so it will let me set up the case, run the case at several different flow rates then writing to seperate data files, and then complete a series of post processing hard copies.

The procedure seems straight forward and probably a little tedious. I also understand I am better off with text commands instead of the GUI. Before I take on this task, would anyone like to give me any suggestions based on their past experiences?
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Old   August 27, 2004, 11:43
Default Re: journal files
Posts: n/a
Yeah you can do this by writing a journal file in a notepad file. Just you can type all the commands one by one and it will take all the commands in sequence. By this method you need not to write the case and data, after convergence simply it will write the case and data. Here i am giving a small idea how to write a journal file. you can change these steps according to your interest.

file/read-case filename.msh grid/check grid/scale (if you want to change the scale) solve/initialize/initialize-flow solve/iterate 100 (number of iterations) file/write-case-data filename exit.

These steps you can get from the fluent. After converging the solution you can write and you can open next case by simply changing the parameter whatever you want ( this can be done easily if you write a bounday condition file). You can repeat the above steps for any number of case, just you practise this by changing one by one and you can customize the total things very easily. If you have any doubts send me mail. Bye
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