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calling the iteration value

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Old   July 12, 2004, 01:08
Default calling the iteration value
D Harvey
Posts: n/a
I would like to include a routine that calls the iteration counter in fluent 6.1.22

currently i am doing it like this:

int iterations; iterations = nres;

and this works with issues. It counts from 0 to the 1000th iteration fine, but then at 1001 it resets to 500 and then from that point on counts from 500 to 1000. So if i said that i wanted 1500 iterations, it would count 0 to 1000 properly and then at 1001 reset to 500 and count 500 to 1000 which would correspond to the 1000 to 1500 on Fluent's printed iteration counter. The Fluent printed iteration counter moves properly from 0 to whatever set value is desired. Is there any way around this or am I calling the wrong function?

also I am looking for the function that calls the cell or zone set value for porosity. If anyone knows this I would be very grateful.



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