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Problem with ambit

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Old   July 2, 2004, 10:31
Default Problem with ambit
Posts: n/a

I'm sorry for this very long message, but I'm just a student who begins with Fluent and Gambit...

here is my problem :

I have created an area of 2km * 2km with 9 points (regularly spaced : 1km between each) of different altitudes. I linked the points 3 per 3 to create polygons and thus, I have defined my ground.

After that, I have added 4 other points at high altitude (1500 m) and I create 5 other faces, so I have created a sort of cube (only my face defined by my 9 first points was a "3d surface"). With all my faces I create a volume.

Then, I meshed this volume with "Tet/Hybrid" elements, with an interval size of 50 meters. Also, I defined 3 continuum types : my volume (FLUID), my "ground" (defined with the 9 first points)(SOLID), and the 5 other faces of my volume (FLUID).

Then, I give these boundary conditions : 1-the "ground" was defined as a WALL, 2-the upper face of my volume, representing the sky, as SYMMETRY, 3-one of the vertical sides of my volume has been defined as VELOCITY INLET, 4-the 3 last faces were defined as OUTFLOW.

When I wanted to import my mesh, I have had these errors :

Command> export fluent5 "carte.msh" WARN: Continuum Entity ground does not contain any valid entity and is not written.

WARN: Continuum Entity sides does not contain any valid entity and is not written.

ERROR: Continuum or Boundary condition specified on entity face.1 is invalid for fluent 6.

ERROR: Continuum or Boundary condition specified on entity face.2 is invalid for fluent 6.

ERROR: Continuum or Boundary condition specified on entity face.3 is invalid for fluent 6.

ERROR: Continuum or Boundary condition specified on entity face.4 is invalid for fluent 6.

ERROR: Continuum or Boundary condition specified on entity face.5 is invalid for fluent 6.

ERROR: Continuum or Boundary condition specified on entity face.6 is invalid for fluent 6.

ERROR: Continuum or Boundary condition specified on entity face.7 is invalid for fluent 6.

ERROR: Continuum or Boundary condition specified on entity face.8 is invalid for fluent 6.

ERROR: Continuum or Boundary condition specified on entity sky is invalid for fluent 6.

ERROR: Continuum or Boundary condition specified on entity west is invalid for fluent 6.

ERROR: Continuum or Boundary condition specified on entity noth is invalid for fluent 6.

ERROR: Continuum or Boundary condition specified on entity east is invalid for fluent 6.

ERROR: Continuum or Boundary condition specified on entity south is invalid for fluent 6.

Is there someone who know why I had these errors ?

(items named "face.*" are the 8 faces with wich I have created my ground)

One more time, sorry for this very long message,

I thank by advance all the people who have read it...

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Old   July 6, 2004, 07:34
Default Re: Problem with ambit
Posts: n/a
The continuum entity can not contain the face in 3D problem. It has to be a completely meshed volume
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Old   July 6, 2004, 09:07
Default Re: Problem with ambit
Posts: n/a
thx Nilesh,

but my continuum entity doesn't contain any face, it's only my unique volume that I have meshed
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Old   July 6, 2004, 09:19
Default Re: Problem with ambit
Posts: n/a
From your notes: I defined 3 continuum types : my volume (FLUID), my "ground" (defined with the 9 first points)(SOLID), and the 5 other faces of my volume (FLUID).

It seemed to me that you have defined three continuum entities. delete all the continuum entities and boundary zone and try exporting the mesh. if that's succesful, you must have done some error in defining boundary zones.

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Old   July 6, 2004, 09:23
Default Re: Problem with ambit
Posts: n/a
excuse me, but I haveposted a new message this morning and I thought your answer was for it.

for the message you are replying, I have already found the solution, exactly like like you said.

thank you very much for having read my message ;-)

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