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Mesh conversion from universal ideas format

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Old   March 18, 2004, 20:28
Default Mesh conversion from universal ideas format
Nurul Murad
Posts: n/a

I'm trying to convert mesh from universal-ideas format by using GAMBIT. The reason for doing this is because I want to run a job using the FLUENT solver by not creating the geometry and mesh from scratch using GAMBIT.

I tried the conversion initially using a small mesh file and it worked. However, when I wanted to convert a larger mesh file (around 1 million cells) it 'hanged' on me. I dont know if the problem was caused by our system here or maybe its caused by GAMBIT's inability to handle big mesh file.

I have also tried to convert the larger mesh file straight from the FLUENT solver and it worked. However the problem is that, I now have problem in specifying the boundary conditions and other parameter that I'd normally specifiy in GAMBIT b4 saving the file as a .msh file.

Is there an alternative or a better approach that I can use to convert my mesh so that it can be used in FLUENT?

Thanks for any help or suggestions.
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