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Heat transfer Coefficient

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Old   January 31, 2004, 10:55
Default Heat transfer Coefficient
Posts: n/a

Probably a simple question but can someone tell me if a heat transfer coefficient of 2 w/m^2-k is a significant difference for grid independence? Max temp in system is 2100K.

Grid independence test is on a furnce. I've taken a 2d plane within the domain to measure the heat transfer coefficient and to compare grid independence. The difference in grids is 50000 cells approx. Total grid size is 400,000 cells approx.

If anyone can give a brief description of this unit it would help!!!


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Old   February 3, 2004, 10:57
Default Re: Heat transfer Coefficient
Posts: n/a
Heat transfer coefficient, which normally describes convective heat transfer, is not so meaningful in a radiation-dominated environment. Also because it is intended as a coefficient of a linear equation (Q=h delta T), where radiation is a function of T^4. The other problem lies in the definition of a reference temperature; what number did you take, and what impact does it have on your transfer coefficient value?

Therefore, your question is hard to answer this way.

Why don't you look at more relevant numbers: heat flux to tubes, stack temperature, etc. Make a judgement for yourself what is a significant difference and what is not.

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