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Need help for Gambit/Fluent/ANSYS data transfering

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Old   April 23, 2003, 11:52
Default Need help for Gambit/Fluent/ANSYS data transfering
S-Y. Chen
Posts: n/a
I am not quite familiar with Fluent but I am working with my colleage to transfe data between ANSYS and Fluent. We are doing conjugated heat transfer of a system with fluid and solid. It will be greatly appreciated if any of you can give me some help

My question is

1. I read in the ANSYS CDB file (which consists of the mesh of the solid) from Gambit. But then only the "surface" of the solid mesh is imported. Why ? How can I make Gambit to read the whole solid instead of just the surface ?

2. I have calculated the heat generation rate in each of the solid element. But, how can I apply them to each mesh in Gambit ? In my ANSYS CDB file there are heat genertation rate as body force. But it seems Fluent can not recognize or import them. Is there any convenient way to transfer the heat generation rate from ANSYS into Fluent/Gambit ? (I need to apply it element-by-element or cell-by-cell, not through surface or volume)

3. I have seen someone mentioned the "PATCH" command in this group. But because I am not very familiar with Fluent, I can not find this command in the manual. Can anyone guide me ?

4. I am considering using the NEUTRAL FILE to transfer the BC from ANSYS to Fluent. But is there any similar approach to transfer result data from Fluent to ANSYS using the text file ? Can Fluent write the result plus the mesh in the ANSYS format ?

Thanks for your help

S-Y. Chen
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Old   April 25, 2003, 13:58
Default Re: Need help for Gambit/Fluent/ANSYS data transfe
Posts: n/a
In my experience, I performed the conjugate heat transfer analysis in FLUENT and exported the thermal conditions to ANSYS rather than export the boundary conditions to FLUENT from ANSYS. In the former option, ANSYS is used for stress only.

1. Not sure why Gambit not reading your ANSYS elements. If you've created the mesh in ANSYS, why not import directly to FLUENT?

2. It is not convenient in FLUENT to apply a source term, i.e., heat generation rate, in a cell zone. Of course the .cdb file is read by FLUENT only for the mesh. You may want to consider that your heat source at some finite position is uniformly spatially distributed. Otherwise, consider using profiles.

3. Patch is only used as an initial condition. Solve->Initialize->Patch

4. FLUENT can export mesh and data to ANSYS. The export only works if you are running FLUENT on UNIX. Will not work for PC or Linux. We used the ascii data export since we are running Linux
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Old   April 30, 2003, 06:08
Default Re: Need help for Gambit/Fluent/ANSYS data transfe
Posts: n/a
Hi Lanre,

How can I export the ascii data from Fluent to Ansys? We are writing ascii data in Fluent but we can not read it properly in Ansys. Can you write me the procedure step by step please?


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