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Reversing the default axi-sym r and z directions

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Old   October 24, 2002, 16:28
Default Reversing the default axi-sym r and z directions
Posts: n/a
Hello all

How do you reverse the way Gambit displays r and z directions when you mention AXI-SYMMETRIC in the PROBLEM statement?

I am trying to simulate the heat transfer of fluids in vertical cylindrical tanks. The axis of symmetry is in y direction so it makes sense if 'r' is horizontal and not vertical (which is the default). When I construct the geometry in GAMBIT, i am doing so in cartesian coordinates (x and y) and in the read file for FIDAP (the solver), I specify UX = 0 for the axis of symmetry.

After the computation, r is vertical and z is horizontal. How can I make r horizontal and z vertical?

Please help. If it's not possible in GAMBIT, let me know how to achieve it in FIDAP.

Awaiting replies,

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Old   October 25, 2002, 05:04
Default Re: Reversing the default axi-sym r and z directio
Posts: n/a
It's not possible, but there is no need for too. You just need to give the rigth direction for the gravity in Fluent (let's say (0, -9.81, 0).

Laika, still orbiting
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Old   October 25, 2002, 10:50
Default Re: Reversing the default axi-sym r and z directio
Posts: n/a
Hi Laika

Here's a proof that it's possible (in FIDAP atleast):

Note the r and z in the Figure 9-1 and in Figure 9-2.

You mentioned that it is not necessary to have r in the horizontal and z in vertical directions. Yes, with the proper mentioning of THETA in GRAVITY command and tilting the geometry of the model itself, I am able to simulate the problem I am doing, but my idea is to know the way how they (in the above example) were able to alter r and z directions.

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Old   October 28, 2002, 05:16
Default Re: Reversing the default axi-sym r and z directio
Posts: n/a

I don't know about Fidap, but in Fluent the axisymmetric solver is programmed as such that the axis of symmetry should be the x-axis. Fluent will calculate correctly, even if your geometry is vertical in reality. You can rotate the view if you want to.

Or have I misunderstood your problem?

Laika, still orbiting
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