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Is it possible to define a new coordinate system??

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Old   January 9, 2002, 15:48
Default Is it possible to define a new coordinate system??
Posts: n/a
Hi All

I'm trying to make some 'cutlines' of two planes. One is the wing I'm modeling and an other is a plane in X and Z direction (X = flow direction and wing chord direction, Y = spanwise direction, Z = perpendicular to X and Y). For a simple flat wing this can be done by using the Isoplane command. Then I use the wing as the surface to use and tell Fluent to make a plane with a constant Y-coordinate. This gives me an intersection line at the given Y-coordinate.

However now I'm going to model a wing with a winglet and I want to do the same for the winglet. I can not think of a plane that intersects the winglet at the correct angle without specifying a whole plane. So I wanted to know if there is a possibility to create some sort of cutline for the winglet. Can I create a new coordinate system and use that to define where my isoplane should intersect with the wing?? Or is there an other trick.

Thanks in advance.

Regards Petrik
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