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Defining a new cell variable

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Old   May 22, 2000, 11:42
Default Defining a new cell variable
Posts: n/a
Hi, I've two questions.

1.) Is it possible, to define a cell variable like C_XYZ(c,t) in the source mem.h or in another source. If it's possible, what's the correct define code?

2.) How can I imagine me a thread of a cell or a face. Is it the pointer of an edge between two nodes or a cell layer of a volume?

Thank's for help

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Old   May 25, 2000, 17:04
Default Re: Defining a new cell variable
Posts: n/a
> 1.) Is it possible, to define a cell variable like C_XYZ(c,t) in the source mem.h or in another source?

You can not redefine or modify the definitions of any structures used within fluent (since you can not re-compile the fluent source, you would end up with inconsistent struct sizes between your code and the fluent code).

However, you can use the user defined scalar fields via the C_UDSI(c,t,i) macro. The index variable i specifies which scalar (there is some built in maximum number of user defined scalar fields available, I think).

> 2.) How can I imagine me a thread of a cell or a face?

A thread is simply the C struct used to represent a zone, so in that sense a thread contains a list (array, actually) of homogeneous entities (ie, all faces or cells with the same BCs & properties applied).

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