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Coupling two Fluent Simulations with System Coupling

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Old   October 2, 2024, 11:57
Default Coupling two Fluent Simulations with System Coupling
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Marco Adorno
Join Date: Oct 2024
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I'm using Fluent to solve a transpiration cooling problem. Basically, I have two domains (see figure for clarity):
1) Hot gas domain: channel flow with hot air
2) Porous domain: rectangular domain in which a coolant is made flow through a porous media and then injected in the main flow

I need to couple the interface porous_domain - hot_gas in order to pass the temperature (of the solid part of the porous material) and fluid velocity from domain 2) to domain 1) and heat flux + pressure from domain 1) to domain 2). (Also here, see figure 2 for clarity)

I'm trying to do this by using the "System Coupling" (SC) tool offered by Ansys, but I'm having some troubles:

1) SC does not support two Fluent participants in the workbench, so I'm using it from the GUI
2) SC does not support (probably) passing velocity and pressure as coupling variables, so now I'm running a simplified version of the project in which I exchange only the thermal quantities
3) Even after these considerations, after I create the cases, make the .scp files, save them in the respective folders (afaik I need to work on a folder in which I create subdirectories where I save the .cas.h5 and the .scp files of every participant), once I run the solve command the tool is stuck in "Awaiting connections from coupling participants..." status. I've added the participants as the manuals explain and created the coupling interfaces with the corresponding variables.

By looking online, I've seen that a problem on 2023 ansys versions (I'm using ANSYS 2023 R1-teaching) is that SC doesn't start if IPV6 is enabled in your network, so I did it, but it didn't solve the problem. It may be a license problem, but I didn't arrive to a conclusion by looking online from this point of view.

Since this is not working, my backup plan is to couple the simulations via a Python script by using pyFluent, but SC would have been easier and more straight forward to implement. But I'm also open to any suggestion concerning the coupling of the variables

I hope that the explanation is clear, I'll appreciate a lot every piece of advice you could give me.

Thank you!
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coupling fluent, fluent, system coupling error, transpiration cooling

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