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source term of energy equation in non-equilibrium thermal model of porous media

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Old   September 28, 2024, 21:24
Default source term of energy equation in non-equilibrium thermal model of porous media
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Hello everyone,

I am trying to modify the source term of energy equation in non-equilibrium thermal model by UDS and UDF (DEFINE_SOURCE macro).
But the Fluent crashed when the code runned with the error "999999:mpt_accept:error: accept failed: No error". My code is as following:


real Tf, Ts;
real hfs = HFS_CONSTANT; // Placeholder value for heat transfer coefficient
real Afs = AFS_CONSTANT; // Placeholder value for interfacial area density
real source;

// Obtain fluid and solid temperatures
Tf = C_T(c, t); // Fluid temperature
Ts = C_STORAGE_R(c, t, SV_T_S); // Solid temperature

// Calculate the source term based on the modified expression
source = hfs * Afs * (pow(Ts, 4.0) - pow(Tf, 4.0));

// Set the derivative of the source term with respect to Tf
dS[eqn] = 4.0 * hfs * Afs * pow(Ts, 3.0) - 4.0 * hfs * Afs * pow(Tf, 3.0);

return source;



real Tf, Ts;
real hfs = HFS_CONSTANT; // Placeholder value for heat transfer coefficient
real Afs = AFS_CONSTANT; // Placeholder value for interfacial area density
real source;

// Obtain fluid and solid temperatures
Ts = C_STORAGE_R(c, t, SV_T_S); // Solid temperature
Tf = C_T(c, t); // Fluid temperature

// Calculate the source term based on the modified expression
source = hfs * Afs * (pow(Tf, 4.0) - pow(Ts, 4.0));

// Set the derivative of the source term with respect to Tf
dS[eqn] = 4.0 * hfs * Afs * pow(Tf, 3.0) - 4.0 * hfs * Afs * pow(Ts, 3.0);

return source;


I am not sure if it was caused by the wrong expreesion of reading the solid temperature. Could someone please give me some suggestions? Many thanks.

Best regards,

yf70512 is offline   Reply With Quote


non-thermal equilibrium, porous media, source terms, uds

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