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Pseudo Time Explicit Relaxation Factors

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Old   April 19, 2024, 11:17
Default Pseudo Time Explicit Relaxation Factors
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 31
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PierreLCV is on a distinguished road
Dear all,
I am currently working on a CHT multiphasic simulation for which I am trying to use different solvers settings. I have tried today to use the coupled one with Global Time Step. As for as I understand, this method will use an implicit relaxation scheme based on the pseudo-transient approach and consequently I can control/relaxe my solver by playing on the time-step for fluid and solid. However, it appears that there are also the possibility to define "Pseudo Time Explicit Relaxation Factors" with this method.
Hence my question: what purpose do these latest explicit relaxation factors serve ? Are they applied at the same time as the implicit relaxation factors based on the pseudo-transient method ? In this case, there are basically two relaxation applied successively: one on the equation (implicit) and a second one on the results of these last equations ?

In this case, it is very relaxed !

Thank you for your help !
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