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Performance Issue - flmpi stops CX process busy

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Old   October 10, 2023, 15:49
Default Performance Issue - flmpi stops CX process busy
New Member
Robert Schmitt
Join Date: Apr 2023
Posts: 10
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Tyrmida is on a distinguished road
Good evening all,

I am hoping that someone can help me with direction with trying to figure out why a certain model may be performing slowly.

While solving (local single machine or over msmpi/ms job scheduler) the fl_mpi23* process works for a few seconds, but then stops until the next iteration.

In this "wait" period, the cx23* process is madly busy doing I don't know what - is there any way I can figure out what it is in fact trying to do?

Things we have tried:
  1. Local run only and also through MS Job scheduler (msmpi)
  2. Run without GUI or with
  3. Limiting CPU Cores Per Node different amounts from 4 to 40
  4. Limiting Nodes different amounts from 1 to 12
  5. Disabling dpm in the model

All other benchmarks that we have tried is performing 100%. Our system is 12 x nodes of dual 44-core Intel Xeon 6152 cpus with 6 memory channels per CPU. Storage is SSD. Network is 100gb IB.

The "Pausing" is reflected in the performance timer as the iteration supposedly takes 4 seconds but 30 iterations take 1276 seconds.

No errors in fluent output at all showing something is wrong. Disk queues empty. It seems that the "average wall-clock time per iteration" scales accordingly to number of nodes/cores given to the job, however the waiting still stays there.

If anyone can maybe suggest how we can figure out the root cause I'd really appreciate it.

Performance timer output:

Performance Timer for 30 iterations on 240 compute nodes
  Average wall-clock time per iteration:                4.032 sec
  Global reductions per iteration:                        443 ops
  Global reductions time per iteration:                 0.000 sec (0.0%)
  Message count per iteration:                         760147 messages
  Data transfer per iteration:                       3612.734 MB
  LE solves per iteration:                                  5 solves
  LE wall-clock time per iteration:                     0.607 sec (15.1%)
  LE global solves per iteration:                           2 solves
  LE global wall-clock time per iteration:              0.025 sec (0.6%)
  LE global matrix maximum size:                          355
  AMG cycles per iteration:                             6.000 cycles
  Relaxation sweeps per iteration:                        436 sweeps
  Relaxation exchanges per iteration:                       0 exchanges
  LE early protections (stall) per iteration:           0.000 times
  LE early protections (divergence) per iteration:      0.000 times
  Total SVARS touched:                                    398
  DPM updates per iteration:                           0.5000 updates
  DPM wall-clock time per iteration:                    1.334 sec (33.1%)
  Time-step updates per iteration:                       0.50 updates
  Time-step wall-clock time per iteration:              2.448 sec (60.7%)

  Total wall-clock time:                              120.947 sec
  Total dpm solve time:                                40.029 sec
  Total dpm i/o time:                                   0.000 sec

Simulation wall-clock time for 30 iterations             1276 sec
Thank you very much in advance
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