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Report vorticity sources

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Old   September 22, 2023, 04:50
Smile Report vorticity sources
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Join Date: Sep 2023
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I am working on a 2D axisymetrical transient compressible simulation. I am studying the vorticity field w_z and its origin. As I work on a cluster, I do everything via TUI commands to easily change a detail without making again a case&data file.

To come back to my work, I defined the vorticity through a custom-field function (using available derivatives) and reported its domain integral at each timestep.


But I am also trying to do the same thing (creating the field + integrating and reporting it at each timestep) with the different vorticity origins (I mean the RHS of the vorticity equation, respectively the barocline term, the viscous one...)

I defined then a c-f-f for the baroclinic and expansion sources as the pressure&density gradients and the velocity divergence are available in c-f-f and it works well. But I would also like to study the viscous term which is viscosity*2Dlaplacian(w_z). So here is my question:

=> is it possible to define a c-f-f which is a derivative of another c-f-f (w_z) ? if yes, how ?
=> if not, could you please suggest me how to do it with another way ? I read about UDF but I don't know anything about it, could you maybe help me with an example ?

Thank you very much in advance,
Have a nice day

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custom-field-functions, report file, tui command, vorticity

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