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INERT: net mass flowrate ≠ zero

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Old   September 12, 2023, 07:47
Default INERT: net mass flowrate ≠ zero
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Josephine Narciso
Join Date: Mar 2023
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rreo is on a distinguished road
Hello! I am doing a simulation for a microchannel reactor with catalyst washcoat, located at the top of the channel. The feed (consisting of CO2, H2, and inert N2) will flow through the channel inlet, then the porous catalyst washcoat, and to the channel outlet. I used UDF to define the source term needed for the hydrogenation reaction.

Now, my problem is the mass flowrate of my inert N2. The net flowrate (based on channel inlet and outlet) should be equal to zero, but I have a problem in achieving this since the mass flowrate of N2 at the outlet is higher or lower than the inlet.

I wanted to address this by assigning a fixed value of N2 at the catalyst washcoat cell zone conditions. However, this is not possible since N2 is placed last in my mixture-template. I also cannot put the other species at the last since I need to assign source term for each of the species, both reactants and products.

I also saw the inert model in the fluent theory guide, but I can't seem to find it on the version 19.2 of Ansys.

I would like to ask if there are any possible ways on how I can indicate the presence of inert in my feed.
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fixed value, mass flow rate

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