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How can i extract the angular velocity value using the dynamic Mesh tool fluent

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Old   July 21, 2023, 16:43
Default How can i extract the angular velocity value using the dynamic Mesh tool fluent
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Région de Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceïma
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Guys, please if can anyone here could help me because i spent days trying to figure out how to rotate my 2D vertical axis wind turbine (Savinous type). I tried many ways, but without any improvement.
Here is my case:

So, the objective is to determine rpm of wind turbine. The two possible techniques that could be used are sliding mesh method and dynamic meshing. The use of sliding mesh technique in Fluent requires rpm of turbine as input while in this case, I attend to calculate the rpm of turbine due to wind flow. The UDF is defined such that turbine is free to rotate about z - axis and moment of inertia and mass of turbine is defined. The flow of air in x direction is defined as inlet boundary condition. I tried also the 6DOF (Dynamic mesh) but the issue that every time i want to create the 6DOF, an error "chip-exec function not found fluent" appeared in the console tab and the turbine doesn't rotate.

Thank you!
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6dof solver, dynamic mesh;, fluent - udf

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