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how to set up a two way FSI with heat transfer?

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Old   June 25, 2023, 04:07
Default how to set up a two way FSI with heat transfer?
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Dear all,
I am using Ansys WORKBENCH for two-way fluid-solid coupling with heat transfer.
What I want to achieve is the heat exchange between a mix vane and a high-temperature fluid, which will cause a large deformation of the mix vane.
I have used the APDL command to modify the element type to SOLID226, and established data transmission for the force, displacement, and heat transfer coefficient of the fluid to the solid, as well as data transmission for the temperature and displacement of the solid to the fluid.
But when defining the thermal boundary conditions of the mix vane, I encountered a problem. I defined the boundary of the vane as the convective boundary using the APDL command.
This command needs a heat transfer coefficient, but I don’t know the heat transfer coefficient between the vane and the fluid. And the deformation of the vane during the heat transfer will affect the heat transfer coefficient. Therefore, I am confused how to define this heat transfer coefficient.
And is this heat transfer coefficient the same parameter as the heat transfer from the fluid to the solid ?
Any information will be appreciated!
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Old   June 25, 2023, 04:12
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LuckyTran has a spectacular aura aboutLuckyTran has a spectacular aura aboutLuckyTran has a spectacular aura about
You don't necessarily want to use the convective type BC. Use a heat flux type BC and transfer the flux the same way you transfer pressure and everything else.

You could still use a convective type and transfer the htc across the same way as long as you use the same reference temperature for both. The heat transfer coefficient that you apply to the solid is the same one you get from the fluid
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