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Running Fluent journal file from Wolrfam Mathematica

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Old   June 1, 2023, 11:40
Default Running Fluent journal file from Wolrfam Mathematica
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Join Date: Jun 2023
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Hi, I am working on a multi - scale modelling, where I have a 0D model written in Mathematica and 2D analysis in Fluent . I want to create a program, which automatically executes mentioned analysis . My procedure is the following :
- run a steady-state simulation to get the inital state for transient iterating
- move forward for one time step and iterate till it converges
- move to another time step and iterate again ...

I wrote two jorunal files called Steady.jou and Transient.jou. I set steady case and transient case in fluent GUI, saved them and then read them in the journal file to execute. Steady case does not include UDF, while Transient case includes it (precisely 3 UDF' s) . I compiled my UDF's as compiled UDF's in the GUI and save the library and the case, so that libudf is loaded everytime with the case and (for now) there is no need to be changed for every iteration . After a while I managed to get everything working in such a way, that I run fluent from a command line (Windows 10) with comands
`fluent 2 ddp - hidden - tui - g - i Steady . jou > output . log `
`fluent 2 ddp - hidden - tui - g - i Transient . jou > output . log `
It works perfectly!

Then I moved to Mathematica and ran Steady.jou from there with the command :
source = "C:\\Users\\Domen Gnidovec\\Desktop\\FLUENTtest\";
command = "fluent 2ddp -hidden -tui -g -i Steady.jou > output.log";
It works exactly the same as I would run it from the terminal (as expected) . Then I tried to do the same for Transient.jou journal file, which includes reading a case with UDF and I got the following error (consider that this file is working totally fine from cmd) :
` Error at host : Error code : 126 `
` Error at node : Error code : 126 `

After exploring about that problem a lot and asking chatgpt I figured out that this is some kind of problem with loading udflib library. I checked for all the permissions and path ways as it was suggested, but I cant figure out how to fix this error. I assume there is some small fix it should be done, because it works totally fine from cmd, but not from Mathematica.
Any ideas how to solve it guys?
Best regards
dgnidovec is offline   Reply With Quote


error code 126, fluent, journa file, mathematica, udf

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