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How do i verify my hypersonic CFD run ?

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Old   May 2, 2023, 14:10
Default How do i verify my hypersonic CFD run ?
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Join Date: May 2023
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hello everyone,
Im trying to design a Hypersonic decelerator, for which I'm using a 2d geometry to try to find its coefficient of drag at various speeds so I can input those values in my code to find its decent profile through the atmosphere. PLEASE NOTE THAT IVE NEVER EVER DONE ANTHING AS COMPLEX AS THIS. ONLY BASICS SUCH AS AIRFOIL ANALYSIS AS SUCH.

now the problem is that when i run the simulation or calculate it , my residuals do not converge even after having all possible assistance such as high speed numerical and FMG initialization. This all is based on the fact that im using a seminar that i found on Ansys official website as a guide for the analysis, following steps that they suggested.

so now at Mach <5 its all good and perfect.

but as soon as i try to simulate Mach 10 flow, the solution for scaled residuals does not converge at all. although the drag and Cd reports converge and stabilize, but I've no way to verify if they are correct as there is no data to compare against. i mean the Cd value i get is 18.55 which i feel is absurd as Cd has to be between 0 to 1.

Ive attached screenshots of every step I've done till now, can anyone pls verify my cfd for me (the mesh) (Boundary layer near HIAD bottom) (setup) (solution obtained)

also i apologize if i come across as stupid, im really confused so what can i do ?
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drag coefficient, fluent 14.0, hypersonic flow, verify

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