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Population Balance Model

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Old   March 24, 2023, 09:20
Default Population Balance Model
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Join Date: Mar 2023
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I am currently working on simulating the breakup of bubbles through a venturi pipe using the PBM method. The simulation involves a primary phase of liquid and a secondary phase of gas (bubbles), with liquid velocity of 4.16 m/s and gas velocity of 0.16 m/s. However, when I tried to validate my simulation data with experimental data, the results did not match my expectations. Please refer to the following link for an image of my validation results:

I have used the Luo model for both the breakup and aggregation kernels. To validate my simulation data, I have extracted the experimental data in the form of a mean of 0.36 and a standard deviation of 0.12. However, I am uncertain if there is something that I have missed in my validation process.

Furthermore, I am also interested to know how to convert a number density function (NDF) into a probability density function (PDF). As far as I understand, to obtain a PDF from an NDF, I simply need to divide the number density in a particular bin by the total number density. However, I am still unsure if this approach is correct. Can you please provide some guidance on this matter?
Thank you.

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Last edited by Agisfit; March 24, 2023 at 09:23. Reason: attach image
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