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Issues with CD Nozzle simulation in Fluent

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Old   January 26, 2023, 07:23
Default Issues with CD Nozzle simulation in Fluent
New Member
Apoorv Mishra
Join Date: Nov 2022
Posts: 5
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I've been trying to simulate temperature distribution on a gas side chamber wall of a converging diverging rocket nozzle with cooling channels. The geometry can be seen in the image with details of the problem. I use viscous k-e turb. model. But the energy, momentum and continuity equations never converge. The residuals just oscillate about their initial position and the solver just randomly starts limiting the temperature to 5000K at faces, which is even higher than the maximum specified initial condition of 3433K. The coolant flows in an upstream reverse direction from the gas (i.e. diverging to the converging section).

I've given a polyhedra mesh with skewness 0.8 and I don't think the problem is with the mesh. The console also says 'Artificial wall on outlet or faces to prevent fluid to flow out of the boundary'. I don't understand what's going on. I understand the underlying physics of the problem though.

I am simulating 1/4th of the geometry with symmetry conditions on perpendicular walls as depicted in the problem.

Please help me out with this.
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convergance, energy convergence, fluent, nozzle analysis, rocket nozzle

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