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Fluent Scheme script to write results after iterations

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Old   January 22, 2023, 13:02
Default Fluent Scheme script to write results after iterations
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Hello, thanks in advance to who'll help me solve this problem.

I'm doing a simulation about a diesel spray using the DPM model and my setup is mostly identical to the one you can find in Fluent Tutorial Guide.

I'm interested in writing in a text file the diameter and the axial velocity of the droplets that are contained in a certain volume of the domain (later I'll explain this better), and I want to do this every 20 iterations.

I know I can go to plots, create the desired plot and then select write to save them as text files, but I'd like to automate the entire process because there too many of these operations to be done manually.

My domain is 1/6 of a cylinder (like a slice of pizza prism) and the origin is located in the center of one of its bases, z is the axial coordinate. I want to write the diameter and the axial velocity of all the parcels contained in a volume defined by two planes parallel to the basis (I think this can be done using an if loop based on the axial coordinate) and then repeat this every 20 iterations (I think this can be done using a for loop).

While the code is quite simple I'm not able to write it because I have never used Scheme and I have found literally zero documentation about its applications on Fluent.

In the end I'm asking for help so if someone could be so kind to provide me this script I would appreciate it a lot. Otherwise if someone could provide me documentations to learn how to do it by myself I would appreciate it even more.

Best regards,
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dpm, fluent, journal, scheme

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