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Effect of mesh on the HTC value

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Old   December 22, 2022, 17:05
Default Effect of mesh on the HTC value
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Join Date: Apr 2022
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modorous is on a distinguished road

I'm running a multi-phase simulation with heat transfer, where a coolant liquid is poured onto a copper surface. Coolant liquid and air are the two phases. The copper surface has a constant temperature of 130 C and liquid is poured at a temperature of 75 C. Surrounding air has a temperature of 100 c. I'm using automatic mesh adaption (AMA) defined for multi-phase VOF. I am calculating HTC using the T_ref method (Surface Heat Transfer Coef.). Since this is an external flow I am using the liquid coolant inlet temperature (80 C) as the reference temperature.

I ran three simulations for different minimum edge lengths, but the HTC values I get are very different from each other and very high compared to the experimental results. Results without AMA are somewhat closer to experimental results but still high. Since I'm looking at mesh dependence, I understand there should be some variation, but the difference in results is significant.

Is it a requirement for the fluid-solid interface surface to have a constant mesh size, is this the reason for my varied results?


Best regards,

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adaptive mesh refinement, fluent, heat tranfer coefficient, multi phase flow, vof

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