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I have a lot of trouble meshing this geometry. How would you do it?

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Old   December 8, 2022, 09:45
Default I have a lot of trouble meshing this geometry. How would you do it?
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Hey all. I've been trying to mesh my geometry for a little over 6 hours now, and I still get into the same error. I have a cylindrical receiver geometry, which is essentially just a helical tube, inside a metal cavity, covered with insulation. What I want to do is I want to mesh a fluid zone inside the helical tube and create an air enclosure around the receiver. But I keep getting "The mesh file exporter could not resolve cyclic dependencies in overlapping contact regions. Please try to Repair Overlapping Contact Regions" . Based off of my trial and error, it seems to be coming from the enclosure, since when I mesh with just the receiver and the tube fluid zone, it seems to work "well" (and when I mean well, I mean it throws a different warning, "Note: zone-surface: cannot create surface from sliding interface zone. ").

I tried another, simpler geometry (essentially a square) inside an enclosure, and it did not throw any overlapping warning, just the "Note: zone-surface: cannot create surface from sliding interface zone. " Here is the STEP File if you'd be so kind enough to help. I've also posted the CAD pictures below just incase you don't want to open the file.

Note: I created the CAD file using SolidWorks, and assembled the parts in SolidWorks Assembly.

Here is the image of the receiver

Here is the STEP file I used

A little bit more detail on what I tried:

*Made the cavity and insulation parts slightly larger so they do not touch on the sides (not quite sure if they touch on at the top, so I used a boolean subtract operation for those two bodies).

*I also did a boolean on the tubes and the metal cavity.

*Did a trial and error on which parts were the problem:
> tried meshing the receiver without the fluid zone and air enclosure-- Seemed to work fine.
> tried to mesh with the receiver and the fluid zone-- got the "Note: zone-surface: cannot create surface from sliding interface zone. "
> tried to mesh the receiver and fluid zone, along with the air enclosure-- got the "The mesh file exporter could not resolve cyclic dependencies in overlapping contact
regions. Please try to Repair Overlapping Contact Regions" error.

*Tried to get put the enclosure on a simpler geometry (essentially a rectangle)-- got the - "Note: zone-surface: cannot create surface from sliding interface zone. "

Last edited by rephical; December 8, 2022 at 09:49. Reason: Added the things I've tried
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