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Fuent Materials Processing - Error Message

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Old   November 15, 2022, 07:49
Default Fuent Materials Processing - Error Message
New Member
Join Date: Oct 2022
Posts: 7
Rep Power: 4
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I try to simulate an extrusion by the use of Fluent Material Processing.
Material settings:
viscosity law: Cross-WLF Law

zero shear Viscosity = 10028.7 Pa s

Time Constant = 0.01 s

Cross Law Index = 0.8

C1 = 4.75121
C2 = 203.039 K

Reference Temperature = 439.692 K

Maybe, there is already a mistake. The computation failed. I got the following lines in transcript:
There is a non-linearity in problem Navier-Stokes 3D introduced by the power law index (n) of the viscosity law. The value of the power
law index is 0.8.
The expert system suggests to use a Picard iterative scheme with a
number of iterations about 30 or 40.

There is a non-linearity in problem Navier-Stokes 3D introduced by
the power law index (n) of the viscosity law. The value of the power
law index is 0.8.
The expert system suggests to use an evolution for this parameter
coupling with Newton-Raphson iterative scheme. The evolution scheme
must be the following :
- f(s) = 1/s
- S-ini = n = 0.8
- S-final = 1.0
- Initial increment = 1 = n/0.8.

If you can not define the evolution with those typical values of the
evolution parameters, maybe your problem is not well defined. Please
check the setup of your simulations.

I am not sure what is meant and where the problem lies.

Does anyone have an idea or a tip?

Feel free to let me know if more info is needed on the model and setup.

Many greetings!
Janfi is offline   Reply With Quote


fluent, viscoelasticity, viscosity model

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