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Specified Shear on a Moving Wall that also functions as an Inlet

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Old   July 12, 2022, 13:09
Default Specified Shear on a Moving Wall that also functions as an Inlet
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Nate Werner
Join Date: Jul 2022
Location: Lynchburg VA
Posts: 7
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I am setting up the boundary conditions for a simulation in ANSYS Fluent 22 comprised of the following.
  • Large domain - stationary zone (each face has an outflow BC)
  • Smaller cylindrical domain - rotating zone (moving wall, the wing is inside)
  • Asymmetric wing (moving wall, 0 velocity relative to rotating zone)
  • Velocity inlet and a specified shear wall at wing base

For the inlet wall, I am planning to simply make a plane parallel to the base of the wing. One side of the plane would have a velocity inlet oriented to blow over the wing span. The other side I want to specify as 0 shear (the normal of this side of the plane points in the opposite direction of the span).

However, when I specify the moving walls, I am not able to specify a zero shear in ANSYS Fluent. The area of the inlet/free-shear wall will be quite small and will be at the center of rotation so the velocities will be quite small too. I think I will either need to justify
  1. allowing for shear at this wall due to the small velocities, or
  2. completely change the way my sliding mesh is set up. I'd prefer not to do that.

I used CFX about a decade ago, and I don't remember this being an issue. Is there a way to still specify no shear at this wall, or am I forced to choose from one of the above two options?

Thank you. If there are any questions about what I am trying to put together I will gladly answer them in the replies.
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inlet, moving wall, sliding mesh, specified shear at wall

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