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Fluent Journal File (TUI) Definition Invalid?? TUI Command for ''OK''

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Old   July 4, 2022, 05:04
Default Fluent Journal File (TUI) Definition Invalid?? TUI Command for ''OK''
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saha.vedabit is on a distinguished road
UPDATE: SOLVED; In Comments Below


I am trying to create a Fluent Journal File to automate a parametric study.

Within the journal file, I am trying to create a report definition for net mass flow rate and trying to add it as a convergence criteria. Basically, once a value of net mass flow rate of 0.0001 is reached, I want to stop iterations, save the case and data file, and move on to a new set of inlet conditions, and repeat.

The problem I encounter is:

1) When I defined my report definition (massflow-net) in my journal file, and checked the corresponding action in Fluent GUI of the following line in my journal file:

/solve/report-definitions/add/massflow-net surface-massflowrate/surface-names inlet outlet
I get this (invalid) syntax next to the created report-definition as attached in image below:


I resolved the above issue by changing the line in my journal file as follows:

/solve/report-definitions/add/massflow-net surface-massflowrate/surface-names inlet outlet ()
Alternatively, in the GUI, when I clicked on the created definition, and simply clicked OK, the invalid notation disappeared and the definition was good to be used as desired.

2) Now, when I try to set it as convergence criteria (convmassflow-net), I use the following line in my journal file:

/solve/convergence-conditions/conv-reports/add/convmassflow-net print? yes report-defs massflow-net stop-criterion 0.0001 ()
However, this time, with or without the parantheses () and extra q's, I continue to get the (invalid) next to my Convergence Conditions similar to image above. This can be resolved in the GUI by simply clicking on convmassflow-net and clicking OK, similar to as noted in (1) above. However, I want to define it once and for all in my journal file and let it run for my parametric study.

Any advice will be highly appreciated.

TLDR: Looking for a TUI Command for ''OK'' on GUI.

Last edited by saha.vedabit; July 5, 2022 at 01:16. Reason: Solved
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Old   July 4, 2022, 18:44
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LuckyTran has a spectacular aura aboutLuckyTran has a spectacular aura aboutLuckyTran has a spectacular aura about
You're misunderstanding something. Your problem is not that you need a TUI command for ok on the GUI. TUI commands shouldn't call or interact with GUI elements. Your problem is that you don't have a TUI command that creates a valid definition.

When you create a mass flow report, you need to enter a list of surfaces over which to sum the mass flows. This list (all lists in Fluent) are terminated with (). If you don't have a pair of parentheses, you don't have a valid list and any definition that needs a list input will fail.

q is an abbreviation for quit and is used to navigate TUI structures.

My advice is to type these commands into the TUI window yourself and not run them from a journal yet. Then, once you figure out what the actual TUI commands are, you can then copy and paste them into the journal. When you type into the TUI window, there will be text prompts that guide you with what inputs are needed for the full TUI command. Learn TUI commands first, then write a journal file. Learn to walk before you fly.
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Old   July 4, 2022, 20:00
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Originally Posted by LuckyTran View Post
You're misunderstanding something. Your problem is not that you need a TUI command for ok on the GUI. TUI commands shouldn't call or interact with GUI elements. Your problem is that you don't have a TUI command that creates a valid definition.

When you create a mass flow report, you need to enter a list of surfaces over which to sum the mass flows. This list (all lists in Fluent) are terminated with (). If you don't have a pair of parentheses, you don't have a valid list and any definition that needs a list input will fail.

q is an abbreviation for quit and is used to navigate TUI structures.

My advice is to type these commands into the TUI window yourself and not run them from a journal yet. Then, once you figure out what the actual TUI commands are, you can then copy and paste them into the journal. When you type into the TUI window, there will be text prompts that guide you with what inputs are needed for the full TUI command. Learn TUI commands first, then write a journal file. Learn to walk before you fly.

Thank you for your reply.

Actually that’s exactly what I’ve been doing. I’m not running these as journals but trying to input them into the TUI Window and going through the outcomes. However, with the issue (1) in original post, that was resolved with the parentheses (as you described is used to terminate lists), I found that information prior to posting it in this forum. I added the q’s simply to navigate back to the default line of code not beginning with /solve/.. so that I can input subsequent commands without getting an error, just to be safe.

But you’re correct in assuming I do not need a TUI Input for OK. I am unable to find a resource online pointing to how to terminate successfully my second command (2) leading to a successful definition of convergence conditions.

In the TUI window, for problem 2, I was unable to find a solution by experimenting, thus the post.
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Old   July 5, 2022, 01:15
Default UPDATE: Solved
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Resolved with following Modification to TUI Command:

/solve/convergence-conditions/conv-reports/add/convmassflow-net print? yes report-defs massflow-net stop-criterion 0.0001 active? yes
When I checked on GUI earlier, the condition was already activated. However, it seems manually inputting an activate command for convergence condition in TUI using "activate? yes" resolved the issue.

Thank you for everyone's responses.
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fluent, invalid, journal, report definition, tui

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