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Metal foam meshing in fluent

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Old   March 1, 2022, 16:35
Default Metal foam meshing in fluent
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nandacd is on a distinguished road
I am currently working on the simulation of metal foams. I am using fluent meshing and have done surface meshing and the skewness was 0.7. But during volume meshing I am getting an error. The associated message is the following "Error: Unresolved gaps have been detected at the indicated locations. To resolve these gaps, either close the gaps using share topology or refine the mesh at the gaps."

I tried to use share topology but according to spaceclaim there is no coincident topology in the model neither contacts in the model when I use share topology and forced share respectively. Also, when i use the check geometry feature or the gaps command the geometry seems watertight no matter how small the tolerance gets.

Anyhelp in this regrad will be highly appreciated
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Old   March 3, 2022, 06:48
Join Date: Feb 2022
Posts: 67
Rep Power: 4
Indra is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by nandacd View Post
I am currently working on the simulation of metal foams. I am using fluent meshing and have done surface meshing and the skewness was 0.7. But during volume meshing I am getting an error. The associated message is the following "Error: Unresolved gaps have been detected at the indicated locations. To resolve these gaps, either close the gaps using share topology or refine the mesh at the gaps."

I tried to use share topology but according to spaceclaim there is no coincident topology in the model neither contacts in the model when I use share topology and forced share respectively. Also, when i use the check geometry feature or the gaps command the geometry seems watertight no matter how small the tolerance gets.

Anyhelp in this regrad will be highly appreciated
There's a lot of things that can be wrong here. Try reducing the size during surface meshing and maybe there'll be a size at which it works.
If it is a very complex geometry which large dimensions and small gaps, try simulating a smaller model first, that'll reduce the length scale and make meshing easier and you'll be able to see if there's any errors in your geometry.

You can also try to increase facing quality in spaceclaim. This might help capture the geomteyr features better, btw fluent meshing laso has the capability to improve faceting.
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unresolved gaps

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