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Preserve meshes in Fluent parametric run

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Old   February 28, 2022, 12:53
Question Preserve meshes in Fluent parametric run
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Harry W
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hwerner2014 is on a distinguished road
Good morning Fluent users,

I'm working on a parameterized case in ANSYS Fluent where I am manipulating geometry using parameters to test several different configurations of a two-airfoil system. The parameterization works great, however I would like to just generate the meshes for each case once, retain the mesh data, and then run all further calculations on the existing mesh for each case. I should note that the meshes are static meshes, not dynamic. Once generated, the nodes do not change position.

At this point, the geometry parameters are now constant and I just want to run a few different flow conditions, turbulence models, and numerical schemes while keeping the meshes consistent between runs. Is there any way to make Fluent retain all the old meshes and just update the solutions so I can do some grid-independent analysis between configurations and compare the performance of different models and flow conditions? Or, if I am generating unstructured meshes, will the meshes generate the same every time? (I don't think so, but my understanding of meshing algorithms is poor).
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Old   February 28, 2022, 13:40
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LuckyTran has a spectacular aura aboutLuckyTran has a spectacular aura aboutLuckyTran has a spectacular aura about
This is a question for workbench and how to set up a job in workbench because Fluent doesn't even mesh.

In Fluent: is it possible? Absolutely. What do you have to do? Literally nothing (as far as Fluent is concerned). Fluent reads in a mesh and then uses all the settings, blah blah blah. Yes I am aware there is such a thing as Fluent Mesher, but that technically isn't Fluent either. Regardless, the answer is the same.

People do calculations on a fixed grid all the time.
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Old   February 28, 2022, 17:29
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Lorenzo Galieti
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I believe, if you save the mesh file, then read it with the fluent block, without connecting the mesher block at all, (basically your workbench file only contains the fluent block), it shouldn't try to mesh it again
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fluent, meshing, parametric

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