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Forces on a rotating aerofoil

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Old   December 14, 2021, 10:17
Default Forces on a rotating aerofoil
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usr0830 is on a distinguished road
Hello all,

I know the topic of lift and drag for rotating aerofoils has been discussed many times on the forum. But I have a specific question and would really appreciate the help.

I am trying to extract the lift and drag forces on a rotating airfoil of a vertical axis wind turbine. But to my best understanding, in Fluent when you monitor the lift and drag forces on a rotating object it basically monitors the forces in the X and Y direction. Where X corresponds to drag (parallel to inflow velocity) and Y corresponds to lift(perpendicular to inflow velocity).

Could any of you please help me with going from these force values to the actual aerofoil lift and drag values(perpendicular and parallel to the relative flow velocity at the aerofoil)?
It is essentially like going from a global reference frame to a local reference frame, I think.

Thanks in advance!
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Old   December 15, 2021, 00:26
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AlexanderZ will become famous soon enoughAlexanderZ will become famous soon enough
when you are creating monitor for lift/drag you should specify vector.
this is what you are looking for

same approach when you are obtaining lift/drag through reports panel
best regards

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Old   December 15, 2021, 08:35
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usr0830 is on a distinguished road
Hi Alexander,
Thank you for your response. If I want to specify the vector as you suggest, I would need to do that at every timestep during the rotation, right? I would also need to know the direction of the relative velocity at the quarter chord to determine this vector at every timestep if I understand correctly.

So far, I see the same values when I visualise both velocity magnitude and absolute velocity magnitude. Could you please help me with some suggestions on how to find the correct relative velocity components from Fluent?
Thanks again!
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forces on rotating bodies, vawt wind turbine

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