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SPACECLAIM rescales dimensions of imported geometry file STL

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Old   November 29, 2021, 16:23
Red face SPACECLAIM rescales dimensions of imported geometry file STL
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maria chiara
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hi everyone, I have a problem with stl files that reads spaceclaim.
All files are created the same way but some are increased in size once imported to spaceclaim. I have to do simulations on abdominal and intracranial aneurysms and while the abdominal ones have no geometry changes, the intracranial ones greatly increase their size. I tried to change format using OBJ, I got a smaller size than the stl but still larger than the one actually imported. Can you help me? Thank you all.
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Old   January 5, 2022, 23:55
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synk is on a distinguished road
1. Have you tried different settings in the 'import options' for STL or OBJ file types? By default, these are set to 'automatic detection of imported model units', but if you're getting incorrect dimensions you can manually select the system of units. Before opening the model to import, in SpaceClaim in the main design window menu, select:
File | SpaceClaim Options | File Options | STL
The first item on this options page is "Import...Units" with a drop down list for: automatic, inches, feet, mm, cm, and meters (some versions of SpaceClaim also provide micrometer and nanometer units).

2. For the imported model, when you select the 'Measure' tab on the main ribbon menu, and measure the distance between two edges, faces, or points, how does the SC calculated distance compare to your expected measurement? This ratio may give you a clue to determine if it is a scale issue.

3. As a test, you could import the STL to SpaceClaim, do some minor modification, then save as an STL file, then open it with the original application program you're using (I assume an MRI or CAT application) to compare the dimension saved by SpaceClaim.

4. Also, after you open the imported file in SpaceClaim, look at:

File | SpaceClaim Options | Units , to verify that SpaceClaim is displaying the model in the units you expected. This page is also where you specify the precision of a dimension, up to 1e-9m.
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rescale, spaceclaim, stl file

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