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Fluent meshing problem: automesh command overwrites previously define volume fill opt

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Old   October 20, 2021, 04:21
Default Fluent meshing problem: automesh command overwrites previously define volume fill opt
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Join Date: Oct 2020
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Hi all,

I'm using Ansys Fluent 2020R1 for the CFD part of my FSI simulations. I want to adjust my mesh and execute a mesh convergence study. My mesh consist of a boundary layer of scoped prisms and interior of TETs. I would like to increase the TET cell size towards the middle of the mesh. For automation purposes, I'd like to use a journal containing text commands to execute the meshing, instead of using the GUI. Using the following lines, I'm able to set the TET volume fill options:

/mesh/tet/controls/cell-sizing geometric 1.2

/mesh/tet/controls/max-cell-length 2.5e-3

I checked this in the GUI, and see that it indeed updates the volume fill options in the auto-mesh dialog box. However, when I adjust the auto mesh settings (either in the GUI or with the text command: "/mesh/auto-mesh wrapped-mesh no scoped pyramids tet yes"), the maximum cell length is reset to the initial value.

If anyone knows why this value is reset and how I can solve this, such that I can create a mesh with a max cell length of 2.5 mm, please let me know!

Best regards,

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automesh, fluent, meshing

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