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Modelling Saline water freezing for freeze water desalination

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Old   May 3, 2021, 15:55
Default Modelling Saline water freezing for freeze water desalination
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Hello everyone I'm in the process of working on my dissertation for my bachelors and I'm trying to model the freezing of salt water but I am having trouble figuring out how to set up the aqueos solution of water + sodium chloride and setting up the freezing. I understand that I need to use the Solidification model for freezing but thats about as far as I've gotten frankly. As for setting up salt water I believe the Species transport module can be used to create the mixture of "pure water" and "salt water" such that the frozen ice that forms is pure water while the remaining liquid is brine/salt water. The ultimate goal of my work is to show the effect of different geometries of heat exchangers on the freezing effectiveness of salt water. If anyone could give me some guidance I would greatly greatly greatly appreciate it
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