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Combination of Fluent solver and actuator line model

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Old   April 3, 2021, 10:56
Question Combination of Fluent solver and actuator line model
Mohammad Shafiee
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 30
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Hello fellow engineers and CFD specialists,

I'm working on my MSc. thesis which is about urban wind farm layout optimization. I'm trying to combine the CFD solver of Ansys Fluent with a method called actuator line model which is used to model the rotors of wind turbines and by doing so, I'll be able to simulate a wind farm layout at a lower computational cost. However, since I'm not familiar with Fluent UDFs and its advanced applications, I'm wondering whether if such thing is possible at all using UDF or any other methods.

P.S. Actuator line model is used to simulate wind turbine blades by replacing them with Lift/Drag-producing lines that exert body force on the flow field so no longer RANS equations have to be solved for near-blade flows. And it does that by reading pre-calculated aerodynamic coefficients from a look-up table.

Any help would be much appreciated, Thanks.
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actuator line, ansys fluent, udf, wflo, wind turbine

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