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Interaction of disc rotation and water jet impingement problem

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Old   March 31, 2021, 15:45
Question Interaction of disc rotation and water jet impingement problem
New Member
Prahar Sarkar
Join Date: Mar 2021
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I need to model conjugate heat transfer on a rotating disc by means of water flow from a nozzle as jet impingement normal to the disc surface.

My geometry consists of 3 bodies,
1. 5 nozzle inlets. 5 mm diameter circular nozzles.

2. A Cubic chamber just below the nozzles which is filled with stationary air. 300 mm length, 300 mm width and 147 mm height.

3. A steel disc inside the air chamber, below the nozzles. 200 mm diameter, 7 mm thickness. The disc is present in the middle of the air chamber.

I have created interface between the disc and air chamber and treated it as 'coupled wall' interface for conjugate heat transfer. The disc is treated as solid in cell zone conditions, rest of the bodies are treated as fluid.

When I solve for stationary disc, the results are coming as it should. The problem starts when I am applying rotation to the disc. I am using mesh motion option in the cell zone conditions to apply rotation to the disc but the velocity vectors of the water flow from the nozzle indicate that the rotational motion of the disc is not affecting the water jet when it comes in contact with the disc.

Please help me with suggestions of what I am doing wrong or what needs to be done for this problem. I want to know, that how I am supposed to apply the physics of the interaction between the rotation of the disc and the water jet impinging on it.

Thank you for your help in advance.
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