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'Zone not slit' message

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Old   March 20, 2021, 10:25
Default 'Zone not slit' message
New Member
Join Date: Feb 2021
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Hi all,

I'm quite a new Fluent user and so have been slightly confused by a 'zone not slit' message that appears in the console and despite my reading of the documentation and searching online, I haven't been able to confirm exactly what it means. I have a case where I am running simulations which has slight variations in the boundary conditions. In some of these cases, there is a wall which effectively splits the my cell zone into two separate zones. When I change this boundary condition, I get the message 'zone not slit' in the console. For my case, I desire that no air actually can pass this wall (there are no gaps etc) but was confused by the zone not slit message and was wondering if anyone could clear up what the message actually means and whether air can actually pass through this wall as they are still technically one cell zone.

Thank you very much.
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boundary condition, cell zones, error, fluent

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