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Fluent udf execution while using the coupled solver

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Old   February 1, 2021, 12:35
Default Fluent udf execution while using the coupled solver
New Member
Adrián García
Join Date: Nov 2020
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Tacitus Kilgore is on a distinguished road

I am conducting a TRANSIENT simulation where the usage of COUPLED SOLVER is mandatory, as the mesh is an overset one.

The point is, I need to perform some computations within a UDF file which includes the so called DEFINE_PROFILE macro, which is actually adressed to a certain boundary whose static pressure is prescribed. In other words, I need the solver, for each time step, to compute every inner iteration this DEFINE_PROFILE macro, as it will calculate a newer value for static pressure on that boundary.

However, I have started seeing how wrong things are happening, for instance, I have included a 'counter' variable within this DEFINE_PROFILE macro which should be incremented by one for every iteration within the time step. Unfortunately, this counter only takes value of 1, rather than the actual number of iterations.

I would then like to ask you if while using COUPLED SOLVER, the DEFINE_PROFILE macro is only computed once before starting the P-V coupling iterative loop. I have tested this same UDF on a SEGREGATED SOLVER (SIMPLE) and it worked fine, with the counter taking the total number of iterations. According to Fluent UDF Guide the sequential algorithm should be the same for these two solvers but I would like someone to confirm me this.

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